I was going down memory lane last week, and I realized that I wrote my first blog post 6 years ago. Where does the time go? What I found particularly crazy was how prophetic my post was. At that point in time Jon and I both had full time jobs, plus he had two additional part time jobs. We owned 4 cars. We had a mortgage. More disturbingly...we had no intention of changing our lives. If anything we wanted more, we just didn't know what more meant. (more money? more time? more space? more savings?)
Knowing that, look at what I wrote back when I started my blog and my ETSY shop a few years ago;
"It's so easy to get caught up in the world of school, work, paycheck, death. I wanted to break free and make sure that I was living the life I wanted to live. And more importantly now that I'm a mom, to live the kind of life I want my children to live."
It seems so plain to me now...what I was looking for AND how to get it. But back then they were just words...until I read them the other day I had no idea how long I had been searching for the life that I am just now beginning to live. I can see now the path I was searching for then, but it was not an obvious choice that we made to end up here...it was more like a series of smaller seemingly unrelated choices.
For now I really just want to reminisce about six years of
becoming maggie blue. This started with me feeling like something was missing and trying to find the person I was meant to be...and I can finally say I am happily, healthfully on that journey. I am Maggie Blue. It started with an idea, then an ETSY shop, which turned into learning and trying new things, which led to; construction school, buying a foreclosed farm and living in a camper while renovating the house...then we switched gears completely and moved to Alaska and upped the ante by downsizing & simplifying by moving onto a boat...
Whew...that is the summed up version anyway.
Along the way I made these things, and that's what today is about for me...looking back and seeing the changes in myself, but also celebrating my creative accomplishments. I really didn't realize just how many things I had created (that I am truly proud of) until I looked backwards over the last 6 years.
I truly can't believe I made all these things. I also can't believe I live on a boat in Alaska. I am so blessed to have been able to find the person that I didn't even realize I was searching for all those years ago. But I suspect that if I could go back and tell 6-years-ago-me about my life, she'd be smiling from ear to ear...just like I am right now in this moment.