
Monday, August 27, 2012

Wide Striped Curtains from Walmart Sheets

It seems like wide-striped curtains are all the rage on Pinterest, and while I didn't love it at first, it grew on me. But the dramatic navy/cream and black/white stipe combos were too much for my mostly earth-tone living room. I started to envision a tone-on-tone neutral stripe combination. But here in Alaska (and anywhere) to buy enough fabric for 4 full curtain panels is expensive.

What to do, what to do.

After some contemplating I remembered that Walmart sold their sheets in separates, so I could buy just the flat they offer a lot of color choices. And the sheets are $5! So 4 twin sheets later (2 tan, 2 brown) I had what I needed to curtain my entire living room.

I went with pretty wide stripes, cutting each sheet evenly into 4 strips and then combining them into 4 piles of strips to be put back together. Plus I used the pre-sewn hems to my advantage. The heights of the sheet was basically correct, so I just went with it. However, the sheet was too wide, so I eyeballed it and cut off about 18", leaving me with enough scrap to recover the rest of my couch pillows. Nice, huh?

Last but not least, I used the cheap white curtains that were already hanging on the curtain rod as lining. Since the width was different between the two (and because I'm lazy) I just centered the panel when sewing the top hem and sewed it inside the hem. It gives such a nice, heavy appearance, I think it made all the difference. (plus here in Alaska it made it nearly light-proof...perfect for those nights that should be dark but aren't...cause it's Alaska)

1) Make sure to match the sheets on the same window. I used the top edge of both tan sheets to make both top panels for one window, and I used the bottom edge of the tan sheet for the other panel tops. (this way they automatically match without any additional measuring)
2) When sewing the strips together use the finished hem on one side and match up perfectly, once sewn together you can hem the other side so they both look even.
3) Pay attention when cutting and sewing so that everything ends up straight. Because I used the sheets natural length and hems I didn't really have to pay attention...but if I had paid a little better attention the strip on one of the panels might be a little more straight. But hey, I'm not a perfect gal, so it works for me, and you'd have to KNOW it wasn't straight to notice...I think.

Next time you're at the Walmart (necessary evil for me), walk through the sheets and see what I fabric in a variety of colors. I'm actually going to buy two more and make a couple of quick quilts for the kids that coordinate with the curtains and kids love to snuggle up on the couch, and with fall weather coming soon, it's the perfect time.


Kira - said...

Brilliant! Curtains are so blasted expensive, right? This is the perfect solution and they really do look good. And matching pillow covers, to boot? Awesome. I think I need to consider doing this in my living room!

Unknown said...

I know, the $5 price tag is too much to avoid...I'm going back for some accent colors for the pillows and kid-quilts I'm doing next. If I have leftover...I'm making coordinated PJs for the kids. I can't help myself!!

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