(PRESENT 1) It felt like it needed a tree, so I went with it. With that done, I needed to move on to the next present...so I started with some Amy Butler scraps (and I mean scraps) and started quilting until I had a big rectangle...then came the pocket, and the sash...and an apron was born (PRESENT 2).

I actually really liked this one, I made the sash long enough to wrap around the back and tie in the front. (Similar to Amy Butler's half apron design) I actually wanted to keep this one, the bright and cheery colors, and the little leaf...it just seems like a happy apron.

The next apron came from the one piece of fabric big enough to actually make something without having to quilt. I've always liked this print, though I've only use it once to line a bag. And I like the way light blue and bright red compliment eachother. Truthfully, red is not my favorite color, but muted with the blue I like it. (PRESENT 3)

This is where I stopped for the night. I shouldn't have, since I knew Monday night was the only time I could get it done before Wednesday, since I have school Tuesday nights. But, sometimes you just can't do anymore...so I stopped. This left presents 4 and 5 still unknown. (I love a good mystery)
I figured I'd go the apron route with these two as well...or maybe one more apron, and one more potholder. Is a potholder a lame gift? It might be...but I actually really love my mini-quilt pot holders. I really see them as mini-quilts, and they make me smile when I use them. (But maybe others just see a potholder...hmmm...never thought of that) Too late to second guess now...
So total change...I decided to make bags for the last two gifts. I was looking around at some of my favorite blogs and I came upon a bag that looked like these. But, you had to pay for the pattern. Since I hate patterns, this was fine, I just looked at it and figured out what she did. I sew like I cook; I read for inspiration, then wing it from there. Not bad, eh?

I actually LOVE the fabric for the second bag, and had been hoarding it for myself for a year...now it's gone. It was hard to give this bag away, I really wanted to keep it. The fabric for both of these bags cost me a total of $2. Yep...that's what I said. They were scraps left over from a decorator who cuts out the pillows and drapes and leaves gobs of wasted fabric. Her sale scraps are awesome. She decorated Neo's house (apparently he's a rapper...I should have googled it because I don't even know if that's how you spell it).
I am done...I have no more fabric (that isn't a tiny scrap...or really ugly fabric that I only use for prototypes). Wow. But five free teacher presents...I can't complain. (Hopefully they can't either...but I guess I'll never really know whether potholder=lame) I hope not!